Software Engineering and Deployment
Many employees come into contact with software development, be it by choosing an appropriate architecture or by programming additional functionality into existing applications. The ability to develop software and how to cleverly coordinate software projects through appropriate tooling is helpful here.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science dealing with the automation of intelligent behavior. AI-based processes are making better predictions in more and more areas of results that would otherwise have been possible only through costly process optimization. It is therefore important to make the use of such tools, such as neural networks for object recognition or energy management, known to employees and share best practices and tools.
The knowledge about software development, development tools and methods as well as the software architecture shall be communicated and bundled in this field of technology across all chairs in order to create high-quality software or prototypes. The integration of important tools from the AI area into such architectures has to be considered.
Focus areas
- Efficient software development
- Use of development environments
- Collaboratively develop software
- Software architectures
- Design patterns
- Object oriented programing
- Analysis and design
- Test restlessness
- Project and knowledge management
- Frameworks
- Neural Networks
Head of technology field
- Jochen Bauer, M. Sc., M. Comp. Sc.
- Martina Beimler
- Patrick Bründl, M. Sc.
- Simon Dengler, M. Sc.
- Helmut Engelhardt, M. Sc.
- Florian Faltus, M. Sc.
- Jan Fröhlich, M. Sc.
- Jonathan Fuchs, M. Sc.
- Felix Funk, M. Sc.
- Micha Herbert, M. Eng.
- Christian Hofmann, M. Sc.
- Oguz Kedilioglu, M. Sc.
- Felix Mahr, M. Sc.
- Dipl.-Ing. Michael Masuch
- Andreas Mayr, M. Sc., M. Sc.
- Alexander Müller, M. Sc.
- Tim Raffin, M. Sc.
- Tobias Reichenstein, M. Sc.
- Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Reitelshöfer
- Dr. Eike Schäffer
- Benedikt Scheffler, M. Sc.
- Dr. Reinhardt Seidel, M. Sc.
- Till Sindel, M. Sc.
- Alexander Skibbe
- Franz Teske, M. Sc.
- Patrick Ziegler, M. Sc.