ROBOTOP GmbH, an FAU/FAPS research spin-off and EXIST-funded start-up, was represented by Dr.-Ing. Eike Wolfram Schäffer and Nicolas Falbesaner as an exhibitor and showcase start-up at the Days of Digital Technologies of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) on 29-30.08.22 in Berlin.

Numerous participants of the BMWK, the VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik as well as the DLR Projektträger around Gerd Hembach have praised the courage and commitment of the ROBOTOP founding team to transfer the research results into a product and a start-up. In particular, the tireless efforts of Prof. Jörg Franke and the chair FAPS to initiate and promote start-ups were frequently praised. For the future viability of Germany and Europe, it is becoming increasingly important, especially in today’s times, to transfer research results directly into products and start-ups.


Besides, numerous testers could try ROBOTOP-Live and were very enthusiastic about the ROBOTOP-RoboPlaner, with very great interest in the use software in their own company and in their ecosystem. Especially the ROBOTOP-AR mode (Augmented Reality), the fast planning of automation solutions and the easy usability could convince on the full line. What an exchange in the ❤ heart of #innovation👨🔬.


Contact ROBOTOP: Dr.-Ing. Eike Wolfram Schäffer
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Research partners of ROBOTOP were (2017-2021): FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Chair FAPS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (wbk Institute of Production Engineering), SCHUNK, Bosch, Ruhr University Bochum (LPS), Dortmund University of Technology (IPS), ICARUS Consulting GmbH.
