Unmanned aerial vehicles offer high application potential for the automated execution of inventory, inspection and surveying processes and can make transport processes more flexible. However, the unmanned aerial vehicle systems presented to date do not have the necessary autonomy and do not meet the requirements for industrial environments.

To address these limitations, Mr. Lieret’s dissertation researched a safe autonomous flying robot system for use in manufacturing and logistics environments that provides solutions to these limitations.

For this purpose, a system architecture for an autonomous flying robot system (AFRS) is presented , which provides the system components, capabilities, and interfaces necessary for the realization of fully automated flight operations and enables the precise, task-adapted localization of autonomous flying robots (AFR).

Furthermore, Mr. Lieret’s work includes a novel airspace management and route planning system for AFR. Taking into account the three-dimensional workspace, this system determines optimal flight paths for AFR under specified conditions while reliably excluding collisions during error-free flight.

In addition, Mr. Lieret has implemented a comprehensive safety architecture for the use of AFR in his research. The focus is on the prediction, detection and masking of system errors as well as the detection of persons in the vicinity of the AFR and the adaptation of the flight behavior of the AFR based on this.

With the oral examination on 23.01.2023 Markus Lieret successfully completed his doctorate with the title: “Safe autonomous flying robot system for use in production and logistics environments”.
