After a break of more than one year, the FAPS Activity and Culture Trip (FACT) took place again. The program included an ambitious hiking program with plenty of opportunities for personal exchange. After the pandemic-related drought of face-to-face contact, the FACT was a welcome change from digital formats. The FAPS team is looking forward to hopefully many more events in person.

In accordance with the motto “the journey is the reward”, staff and alumni of the chair met for a hike around the city starting from the site Auf AEG. The route led along the rivers Pegnitz and Rednitz around the old town of Fürth and then into Fürth’s city forest. In the city park, the participants were also able to demonstrate their teamwork skills by working on selected tasks in small groups. After lunch at the Wilhelm Tell Inn, the group then reached the tower Alte Veste, which gave an impressive view over the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. The hike took the participants back to the starting point via two alternative routes, where then was the opportunity for further networking in the courtyard of the site Auf AEG.
