We have won the Medical Valley Award!

In collaboration with the N-squared Lab (Prof. Alessandro Del Vecchio) at FAU, we received €500,000 to work on a neuro-orthosis for the hand.

The objective of the “GraspAgain” project is to enable people with hand impairments (for example as a result of a spinal cord injury or a stroke) to grasp again. At the FAPS, we are working on the orthosis that enables the movement of the hand. The N-squared Lab is working on a non-invasive brain-machine interface that controls the orthosis through mere thought.

We are very grateful for this award as one of the five winning teams! A big thank you therefore goes to Medical Valley EMN e.V. and the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy!


Jonas Walter, M.Sc.

Department Maschinenbau (MB)
Lehrstuhl für Fertigungsautomatisierung und Produktionssystematik