Project description

The collaborative research project ROBOTOP (Modular, Open and Internet-based Platform for Robot Applications in Industry and Service) with the sub-project of the Institute of Factory Automation and Production Systems MyRoboBase (Modular, Internet-based Robotics Base Configurator) is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) from 01.06.2017. In the research network, 4 research and 4 industrial partners are involved over a period of three years. On the research side, the addressed topics are focused by partners of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Technical University Dortmund, Ruhr-University Bochum and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


Abstract of the project:

The development of a modular, internet-based and open robot platform (ROBOTOP) serves to open up the mass market for robots in service and manufacturing applications. Through a significant increase in quantities, the intelligent standardization and reuse of software, hardware and peripheral components, as well as the significant reduction of supply and engineering expenses, pronounced cost reductions can be developed in the context of planning and designing industrial service robotics solutions. ROBOTOP is a reference project for a modular platform for the planning and simulation of robot-based systems, which enables the work-sharing development, application and marketing of robots in the fields of industry, service as well as the private environment. The use of universal engineering tools and standardized interfaces for kinematics and effectors will enable a fast implementation of the concepts. The development of a transferable system architecture as well as methods and technologies for the base configurator represent the core work packages of the sub-project MyRoboBase carried out by the chair FAPS.

Duration: 06/2017 – 12/2020


About PAiCE – Digital Technologies for the Economy:

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is currently funding 16 funded projects from science and industry with around 50 million euros through the technology program “Digital Technologies for the Economy (PAiCE)”, which tests the use of digital technologies in industrial processes and applications. The program focuses on the development of digital industrial platforms and collaboration between companies via the platforms. In addition, accompanying research activities will address issues and challenges regarding the law, business models and trustworthy architectures. For more information, please visit: