From Sept. 28-30, 2022, the members of the Signal and Power Networking research area retreated to the Obere Firstalm at Spitzingsee to discuss the strategic direction of the research area and the lineup of its members. On the first day, the strengths and optimization potential of the team were compared with the current opportunities and challenges in order to identify strategically relevant projects and research approaches. On the second day, the focus was on the development potential of the team members and the sharpening of their scientific profiles. This enabled individual goals to be aligned with the strategic direction of the team. The third day was used to concretize the planning of the innovation center D|P|N. Numerous aspects of the groundbreaking large-scale project in the research area were clarified.

Team cohesion was strengthened by a ridge walk in difficult weather conditions, and the dedicated team of the mountain inn took care of the physical well-being.
