Starting at 01.06.2020, the Project “Printed Electronics on 3D-substrates (PE3D)”, which is promoted by BMBF, aims at the complete additive production of a functional electronic assembly for sensor or radio frequency applications. Compared to conventional production processes, the advantages of Additive Manufacturing lie especially in flexibility, greater freedom of design and functional integration. Due to limited usability of thermoplastics with regard to thermal resistance and thermal conductivity, also 2D and 3D substrates out of ceramic materials are to be produced and metallized within this project. By qualifying the generated properties and identifying crucial parameters, properties of conventionally produced substrates are to be achieved or even exceeded. Using assembly and connection technology, finally a demonstrator is built, which represents the knowledge regarding additive technologies that have been won within the project.

Therefore, this project promotes further research of mechatronization using additive technologies. Besides, the international research work of FAPS is strenghtened by participation of a Dutch institute.
