At the 15. MID Congress in Amberg Congress Centrum (ACC), organized by research association 3D-MID e.V., numerous researchers and industry partners with regard to technologies of mechatronic integrated devices (3D-MID) met. All in all, 85 persons from 10 different countries participated in this technically and personally enriching event. Besides many posters of current AiF reserach projects, FAPS also contributed several speakers as well as one stand at the in-house exhibition. It should be highlighted that Mrs. Dr.-Ing. Li Wang won this year´s MID Award. The MID Best Paper Award 2023 was achieved by Mrs. Laura Fütterer (M.Sc.) from Laser Zentrum Hannover. The program was rounded off by a Technical Tour at SIEMENS Visitor Centre „THE IMPULSE“ in Amberg.
