Jonathan Fuchs joined the System Engineering research sector as a research assistant on 15.06.2017. He graduated in mechanical engineering (M.Sc.) at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Already at the end of his bachelor studies Mr. Fuchs supported the research activities in the field of System Engineering at the FAPS chair by writing his bachelor thesis. Afterwards he remained with the institute as a student assistant. In the process of his master studies he wrote his project and master thesis in cooperation with AUDI at the chair. Within the scope of this work he was intensively involved in the implementation and design of Industry 4.0 paradigms, the reference architecture model Industry 4.0 and the technologies and standards required for this.

Mr. Fuchs will work in the areas of “Industry 4.0”, “Software Engineering”, “Semantic Information Modelling” and “Design of Production-Related Service Platforms” as part of his research work.
