ConSensE-Konsortium beim ASE-Summit (© Fraunhofer IAO)

In the course of the ConSensE project, the Institute FAPS, together with four other academic and three corporate partners of the ConSensE consortium, participated in the Advanced Systems Engineering (ASE) Summit in Stuttgart, which was organized by Fraunhofer IAO.

In addition to keynote speeches from industry and academia, the participation primarily served to network with the other collaborative projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the call “Beherrschung der Komplexität soziotechnischer Systeme – Ein Beitrag zum Advanced Systems Engineering für die Wertschöpfung von morgen (PDA_ASE)”.

It was the first meeting of the ASE-projects in presence, which had previously only exchanged their work results virtually in cross-project working groups.

In addition, a survey was conducted at the ASE Summit by the “Innovation & Organization” working group, which was designed by the ConSensE consortium and in particular by the two FAU institutes involved.

FAU researcher @ ASE Summit (left: Tobias Reichenstein, right: Spyridon Koustas – Wi1)

For more information on the ConSensE project or Advanced Systems Engineering, see the following links:


Tobias Reichenstein, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering (MB)
Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS)